Programmable economy
30 seconds explainer of the future
Programmable economy is not a goal but rather a direction towards greater automation (integration of human and machine).
Blockchain = programmable incentives. It is a technology for creating digital mechanisms for monetary systems, financial markets, organizations, and corporations, voting, and decision-making. With a higher level of trust but lower costs compared to the current way of solving these problems: hiring managers, surrounding oneself with lawyers, hierarchical management.
AI = programmable intelligence. It is a technology for reducing the cost of cognitive work through automation and augmentation, enhancing human productivity for greater labor productivity and faster innovation.
SSI = programmable trust. It is a technology for creating provable sovereign data systems (such as documents, reputation, personal or just sensitive data) that are controlled by the owner but can be programmatically linked to each other with a guarantee of authenticity.
Network state = physical and social infrastructure for a world with a programmable economy, which no longer needs to rely on monopolies, corrupt organizations, populism, paper bureaucracy, and clueless regulators.